Because PNG works best for drawings and simple graphic representations, you can often reduce the size of PNG images to a fraction without making any noticeable difference in the appearance of the picture. Often it is easiest to do image work locally on a PC. Here are some free tools that will save you time.
Category: EC2
ZSH and Oh My ZSH on IOS, iPad and iPhone with Alpine Linux and iSH
Run Alpine Linux on Your iPhone in Less Than 5 Minutes
Install ZSH
Install zsh with curl, wget and git
apk add zsh curl wget git
Set ZSH at the primary shell
Set zsh as the shell
nano /etc/passwd
[user]:x:1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home/u:/bin/ash
[user]:x:1000:1000:Linux User,,,:/home/u:/bin/zsh
replace [user] with your user
Restart the shell
source ~/.zshrc
If you get a error message about missing zsh config files create them manually:
nano .zshenv
nano .zprofile
nano .zshrc
nano .zlogin
Verify that ZSH is the primary shell
echo $SHELL
Check the version of ZSH
zsh --version
Install Oh-my-ZSH
Follow the instructions on:
Install Powerlevel9k
Follow the instructions on:
Install the required fonts to
Install Powerlevel9k fonts
Why you allways should use the prefix www on your WordPress url
Short version. Never use the root domain with WordPress.
Always prefix the domain with www or something else.References for always prefix WordPress url with www
To www or not to www – Should you use www or not in your domain?
Apply critical Ubuntu kernel patches without rebooting Ubuntu using Canonical Livepatch
Update Ubuntu kernel without reboot using the free Canonical Livepatch Service. Apply critical Ubuntu kernel patches without rebooting Ubuntu. Apply critical kernel security fixes without rebooting. The Canonical Livepatch Service reduces planned or unplanned downtime while maintaining compliance and security. Livepatch is available on LTS based systems from 14.04 LTS within the normal support cycle.
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How to increase the max_input_vars in WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04
Increase the max_input_vars in WordPress can be done in several ways. Here is how to increase the max_input_vars value in different ways and then how to confirm the new value. This post is for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with PHP7
(more…) -
Zip PHP extension for Pano2VR and Object2VR from GardenGnome software
Garden Gnome Software WordPress plugin for Pano2VR and Object2VR requires the zip PHP extension to unpack the packages containing panoramas.
sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip
Then restart apache web server
sudo service apache2 restart
How to use the CloudFlare AMP cache
CloudFlare has the second AMP cache. The first is provided by Google.
Read more about the “ Accelerated Mobile Links”
When viewing this page on a iPhone using the Desktop PC theme from Thesis / then the Cloudflare’s Accelerated Mobile Links  works.
When viewing this page using, the the AMP won´t work.
AMP test sites by TBT
CloudFlare demo pages
To see how it works, try viewing this post from your mobile device and clicking any of these links: