Category: Cloudflare
How to use your WordPress domain with Cloudflare Workers
How to setup your WordPress domain for use with a static site in Cloudflare Workers
How to innstall Cloudflare Wrangler, Node.js and npm to publish static WordPress sites
Installing Node.js and Cloudflare Wrangler on Mac OSX
Get notifications with when WordPress goes down.
Our experience is that e-mail is a huge time-thief. That is why we migrate as many services and functions from e-mail to as we can. The following four free services supports UptimeRobot FreshPing StatusCacke Fake warnings about service down will give fake warnings unless you whitelist the service in the CloudFlare firewall. Lists…
MaxCDN, CloudFlare, and WordPress together in harmony?
WordPress without a CDN is a bad idea. Google penalizes you for slowness. Customers abandon your site because they won’t wait for the site to load. Period. MaxCDN, CloudFlare and WordPress together in harmony? Lets find out!
How to solve WordPress admin problems when using CloudFlare
Sometimes the WordPress admin doesn’t behave as expected when using CloudFlare. The advice found on this page should help. Creating CloudFlare page rules, turning off CloudFlare while editing or bypass CloudFlare using a hosts file should help.