How to optimize WordPress with Ubuntu VPS

Ubuntu Virtual Private Server optimized for WordPress

MaxCDN, CloudFlare, and WordPress together in harmony?

WordPress without a CDN is a bad idea. Google penalizes you for slowness. Customers abandon your site because they won’t wait for the site to load. Period. MaxCDN, CloudFlare and WordPress together in harmony? Lets find out!

The free CloudFlare plan uses CDN functionality. Upgrading to the paid plan might give better CDN functionality. I do not know. Using CDN from MaxCDN is a more budget friendly solution. At 20170430 I started this project to find out.



Basic setup of MaxCDN on WordPress

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How to Use CDN With CloudFlare

MaxCDN has a 30 day money back garantie. It´s no risk to find out find out if MaxCDN is worth the cost. MaxCDN has made a tutorial on configuring co-existence with CloudFlare.

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MaxCDN, CloudFlare, and WordPress together in harmony?

The free CloudFlare service is not as good at the paid MaxCDN. In combination, you will get a faster site. This tutorial walks you through the setup. There is also interesting comments below the article.

[themedy_button url=”” icon=”wrench” font_awesome_att=”” label=”Tutorial on setting up MaxCDN with W3 Total Cache and CloudFlare.” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_self”]

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