Setting up WordPress using the command line is fast.
You can even use a script to automate the process.
Table of contents
Prerequisites and preparations
Before you begin. Create a MySQL database in Amazon RDS. You also need a working website. Then start creating a list with the following information:
- Name of your Amazon RDS MySQL database server
- Database name
- Database username
- Database user password
- The WordPress admin username you intend to use
- The WordPress admin password you intend to use
- The WordPress admin e-mail address you plan to use
If some points are unclear these how-tos should point you in the right direction:
How to install WP-CLI
How to set up a virtual host
How to activate .htaccess
How to create a MySQL database in Amazon RDS
Verify the root folder
Your root folder is beneath
In this tutorial are we going to install WordPress in the folder
Start with going to the root folder:
cd /var/www/
Verify that there are no files in this folder
sudo ls
If here is index.html or another start page file there you should delete this file to avoid problems later on.
sudo -u www-data rm index.html
Change ownership and delegate permissions
The Apache web server needs permission to run WordPress.
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/
Download the installations files
Downloading all the WordPress files is done in a matter of seconds by issuing this command:
wp core download
Create wp-config.php, the main configuration file
Sometimes WP-CLI is unable to connect to Amazon RDS MySQL database. Then you can skip the database test by adding the following statement:
Creating the configuration file in WordPress. Fill in the values from the list you created previously:
wp core config --dbname=wordpress --dbuser=user --dbpass=password --dbprefix=wp_ --skip-check
Install WordPress
wp core install --url="" --title="Blog Title" --admin_user="adminuser" --admin_password="password" --admin_email=""
Check the server error logs
It’s a good practice to examine the error logs. They are here:
cd /var/log/apache2/
sudo nano error.log
sudo nano 01-mydomain1-com-error.log
Set correct permissions so Apache can access the files and folders
Basic permission:
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/
More thorogh guide on setting permissions is available her: