How to access wordpress admin when cloud flare is active

How to solve WordPress admin problems when using CloudFlare

Sometimes the WordPress admin dosen’t behave as expected when using CloudFlare. Her are some advice that could help:




Using CloudFlare together with WordPress makes your site much faster and safer

Alternative A.

Turn off Cloudflare while upgrading or performing troublesome tasks

The fast and easy way is to disable CloudFlare while editing your WordPress site. Then enable it when finished. Pausing CloudFlare is probably the easiest way.





Alternative B.

Create an exception

Use the «Page Rule» to create an exception. You do this in the admin panel.
With page rules the admin panel should work like before you changed to CloudFlare.
The downside is that you sacrifice security to get better usability.

Exceptions and «Page Rules» are described her:

Introducing Page Rules: Fine Grained Control over CloudFlare’s Features

WordPress Security: Protecting your WordPress site with (and without) CloudFlare

CloudFlare support pages about WordPress and Page Rules




HostBuddy is the easiest way to maintain your hosts file.

Alternativ C.

Use a  hosts to override the DNS service and connect directly to your website.

The hosts file let you bypass CloudFlare. Just enter the website IP address with a space or a tab and the domain name. That’s all it takes.

I put together a short list with software for Mac and Windows you can use to edit your hosts file

Another nice thing about using the hosts file is that you can limit access to the admin section with a .htaccess file.

In the firewall, you can limit access to your website to the IP range that belongs to CloudFlare and the IP range that belongs to your workplace. This gives you an extra layer of security. The IP range that belongs to CloudFlare is available her:





Resources regarding how to bypass CloudFlare with a hosts file



Watch a intro to CloudFlare




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