Five free tools that could make your day less troublesome while working out of the office.
To be used:
When working on a low-quality internet connection
When working from a moving car, train or bus
When you need access through a firewall with IP-restriction
Mosh -(mobile shell)
The remote terminal application that allows roaming supports intermittent connectivity and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes. While working from a low-quality connection or a moving car, train, or bus. Mosh could avoid a large number of time-consuming re-connections.
Mosh is a replacement for interactive SSH terminals.
Mosh is more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, Android, Chrome, and iOS.
SSHuttle is a transparent proxy server that works as a poor man’s VPN. Enables you to get a fixed IP address to enable you access through firewalls with IP-rules.
Tunneling and port forwarding app for IOS, iPhone, and iPad that allows you to set up a local SOCKS5 proxy with a private tunnel. There is at the time of writing no SSHuttle client for IOS. This app is the closest you will get.
To use the above-listed toolbox, you would probably need a VPS server with fixed IP. Such a VPN server is available on the Google Cloud forever free plan. Ubuntu LTS is a wildly-used OS.