How to optimize WordPress with Ubuntu VPS

Ubuntu Virtual Private Server optimized for WordPress

Bitnami Drupal on EC2 Amazon AWS

Tips for tuning your Bitnami Drupal EC2 instance VPS server


Contact  us when you need help with your Drupal or Bitnami running as EC2 instance.

Bitnami Drupal HowTO

Drupal is a content management platform that allows an individual or community of users to easily publish, manage, and organize a wide variety of content on a website. In general, Drupal is used for community web portals, discussion sites, corporate web sites, intranet applications, personal web sites or blogs, aficionado sites, e-commerce applications, resource directories, and social networking sites. Drupal is easy to extend by plugging in one or more of the dozens of freely available modules.
Please, take a look to the Quick Start Guide to know the basic use of this Stack.

Document root


The issue with the startpage

Simply run this script:

$ sudo /opt/bitnami/apps/drupal/updateip --appurl /

as desiribed in the Bitnami Drupal Wiki

The article described at the other Wiki:

sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apps/drupal/conf/drupal.conf  

will give you 2 startpages:




Only the last one works correclty.

Restart Apache on Bitnami Drupal

First find the folder with the script:

sudo find / -iname ''  

Then go to the folder

cd /opt/bitnami/  

Then issue the command

./ restart apache

Documentation on how to restart Apache


Contact  us when you need help with your Drupal or Bitnami running as EC2 instance.


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