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Find keywords that will give you access to the best readers

Long tail keywords

Find keywords to distinguish yourself from the rest and pinpoint the right audience. You need a strategy on howto find keywords that your readers will be using to find the kind of content that you produce.

Find keywords that targets the right audience

Many people try to find keywords using a keyword finder. This is a tool for determining the phrases or hashtags that your reader are using to find your pages. Finding these keywords is critical to your success. If you don’t know how potential customers are searching for your website, how can you help them find your pages?

Find keywords with WordStream paid keyword finder

WordStream’s PPC keyword suggestion tool is better than a run-of-the-mill keyword finder like the AdWords tool, because it parses your own AdWords search query reports to find your best, most relevant keyword phrases. Since your keyword list is built from the search queries that actual visitors use to find your website, they couldn’t be more specific to your offering—and your audience.

Use WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool to find keywords. Free keyword suggestion tools are only a starting point. If you are using a free third-party tool then the tool from WordStream is simply the best free keyword finder available. This tool is:

  • More accurate and relevant
    WordStram index over a billion unique keywords. WordStream return more keywords from more diverse sources than any other tool.
  • Faster
    The Free Keyword Tool by WordStream provides near instantaneous results.
  • Free
    WordStreams tool is always completely free. You get 10 free searches up-front, and then 1 free search per tool, per day after that.

Find keywords and key phrases  with Google

Keyword Planner from Google is like a workshop for building new Search Network campaigns or expanding existing ones. You can search for keyword and ad group ideas, get historical statistics, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together. A free AdWords tool, Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns. Whether you’re new to online advertising or an experienced pro, you can use Keyword Planner to lay the groundwork for a successful campaign.  Learn more.

[Tweet “These tools enables you to search for keyword and ad group ideas. Find historical statistics for keywords”]

Find keywords with Übersuggest the free keyword suggestion tool

Get keyword ideas with Übersuggest the free keyword suggestion tool that makes good use of different suggest services.

How does it work?

  • Write a term in the box.
  • Choose a language and a source. Übersuggest can get suggestions either from regular Web search or from search verticals like Shopping, News or Video (more to come).
  • Übersuggest takes your base term, add a letter or a digit in front of it, and extracts suggestions for it.
  • Click on each word to get further suggestions based on that term.
  • Add each keyword to your basket clicking on the plus sign on its left.
  • Add all visible keywords to your basket clicking on the large grey button.

With this free keyword tool you can instantly get thousands of keyword ideas from real user queries! Use the keywords to get inspiration for your next blog post, or to optimize your PPC campaigns.
This isa free tool that that show  some of the most popular keywords searched.


[Tweet “Locating the the right audience is the key to Internet marketing. Finding the right keyword phrase”]

 Howto find keywords that will give you access to the best readers

Find keywords that will give you access to the best readers


Type your keyword and select the filter “questions”
Twitter will show you all the questions that folks in are asking.

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